Friday, June 26, 2009

Some days...

I wanted to get my long run out of the way this week, but circumstances beyond my control (insomnia) prevented me from getting up on time on Thursday, and I knew I would over sleep today, which I did. So, the long run is still out there, taunting me like an over due bill or an America's Next Top Model marathon.

Today I did hit the park intending on running five miles (I did) while listening to the "Thriller" album in honor of Michael Jackson (I did not. Instead, I made the horrible discovery that, sin of sins, I do not have "Thriller" on my iPod.) So, I started in my usual spot at the south west end of the park and headed east, cranking TV on the Radio's "Dancing Choose". It was thick this morning. Did anyone else experience the wall of wet? I was thinking about the humidity when I ran into Mariana who was listening to her shuffle. We decided to run together, which was a lovely surprise. However, Mariana and I run at a faster pace when we're together and, once my music was off, the pace along with the wet was a not-so-great combo. I was seriously uncomfortable. Now, Mariana is the one who gave me the best advice I've ever gotten about running and working on speed which is don't be afraid to be uncomfortable. That was my motto last year and is definitely my motto this year as I'm serious about getting a BQ at Chicago. But this morning was brutal. Mariana seemed fine so I didn't want to ruin her run, but as soon as we parted at 85th street I had to walk for about five blocks. (Oh, and during the run, before we parted it started to rain which was what needed to happen. It was a huge relief.) I started running again around 81st street, sans music, and made it to the end just fine.

Now I've got to figure out when I'm going to do that long run. Sigh.

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