Tuesday, March 20, 2007


You know what cures insomnia?


Last night I got, maybe, two hours sleep, and the only reason I'm functioning today is the half pot of seriously strong coffee I had at breakfast this morning.

(Sidebar: today is Amy's birthday, so we went to Norma's in Le Parker Meridien. I ordered the "Very Berry French Toast", which was two enormous slices of brioche soaked in blue / raspberries. I wasn't impressed with my food, though James had delicious Huevos Rancheros, and Nicole ordered some crazy "oatmeal" thing that was tasty. Amy had waffles with fruit and a raspberry sauce, which I also liked. But, I'm not reccomending Norma's as 1. it's terribly overpriced-- $20 for four coffees! and 2. I can make better french toast at home for three dollars or less. End Sidebar)

I had fewer insomniatic (?) nights while training for the marathon. My brain shut down completely when it was time to sleep because I'd wear myself out. Oh, I cannot wait for the weather to get better so I can spend more time running on the road! I hate, hate, hate the treadmill. I tried, okay! I tried so hard to like it! I've experimented with adjusting the speed, adjusting the incline, running faster for several minutes at a time, but nothing works. Nothing makes the treadmill an adequate substitute for the outdoors. I know this is my own fault; if I wasn't such a wimp I'd get out and suffer the cold. But, extreme cold hurts, and I haven't found a way to bear it. So, I'll suffer just one more week, I hope. It's in the 40's and I can deal with that. It's sunny, so the snow is melting.

Back to breakfast: I have got to diet! I should carry a picture of a girl in a wedding dress to remind me that I want to look good on March 7, 2008, and not have brioche french toast hips.

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